Coding Project Euler R

Project Euler Problem #4 (R)

Problem 4 in on Project Euler’s list is the following:

Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.

We can attack this as follows: firstly, we know that for an n-digit number, the minimum n-digit number is \(10^{n-1}\) and the maximum is \(9\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}10^{i}\). So we need the cartesian product of all numbers in this range, which we can then test for the palindrome property, and finally filter for the maximum element.

Testing for the palindrome property requires that we check each digit in the number for equality on either side. We do this first by calculating the number of digits in the product (using \(\lfloor\log_{10}(x)\rfloor\) and then just comparing the digits by using the modulus and shifting. Note a couple of points in the R code below:

  • %/% is integer division;
  • Note the vectorization at work in statements like (p %/% 10^x): this will divide p by successive powers of 10, where the powers are defined in the x vector;
  • Note the use of the logical all() function to test whether all palindromic contenders are equal.
  • pal < - function(N) {
     palindromes <- c()
     min_no <- 1*10^(N-1)
     max_no <- sum(9*10^(seq(0,N-1)))
     n <- 1
     for (i in seq(max_no,min_no,-1)) {
      for (j in seq(i,min_no,-1)) {
       p <- i * j
       digits <- floor(log10(p))
       x <- seq(0, digits %/% 2)
        if (all( ((p %/% 10^x) %% 10)==((p %/% 10^(digits-x)) %% 10) )) {
         palindromes[n] <- p
         n <- n + 1

Coding Project Euler R

Project Euler Problem #3 (R)

The third problem in Project Euler is an interesting one:

The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29.

What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ?

In order to compute prime factors, we can use a sieving method. The simplest and oldest sieving algorithm is the sieve of Erastothenes, which we can implement in R as follows:

sieve <- function(n) {
    if (n <= 1) {
    if (n == 2) {

    a <- seq(2,n)
    b <- c()
    b[1] <- 2

    i <- 1
    while (length(a) > 0) {
        b[i] <- a[1]
        i <- i + 1
        a <- a[!(a %% a[1] == 0)]

So now we need to compute the largest prime factor of 600851475143. An upper bound for the factorisation is \(p \leq \lfloor\sqrt{x}\rfloor\), so we can halt our search at this point (alternatively, we may be able to begin our search here and work downwards). Let’s do it the obvious (and inefficient) way, starting at 1 and working up to \(\lfloor\sqrt{x}\rfloor\), building up a list of prime factors along the way:

pfactor <- function(x) {
    factors <- c()
    j <- 1
    primes <- sieve( floor(sqrt(x)) )
    for (prime in primes) {
        if (x %% prime == 0) {
            factors[j] <- prime
            j <- j + 1

Now to compute the maximum factor, we just take the maximum of this list:

max( pfactor(600851475143) )

Coding R

Matrix Exponentiation in R

A short while ago, I needed to do some matrix exponentiation in R (raising a matrix to a power). By default, the exponentiation operator ^ in R, when applied to a matrix, will just raise each element of the matrix to a power, rather than the matrix itself:

> A < - matrix(c(1:4), nrow=2, byrow=T) > A
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 2
[2,] 3 4
> A ^ 2
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 4
[2,] 9 16

Whereas what we really want in this case is the equivalent of:

> A %*% A
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 7 10
[2,] 15 22

There are a few different ways of creating a matrix exponentiation operator in R: we could create an R function and create an exponentiation operator for matrices, similar to the %*% matrix multiplication operator that exists already, or we could write the function in C and link to it. It seems logical to create an %^% operator to match the current set of matrix operators. The choice of writing the exponentiation routine in R or C is actually less important than the exponentiation algorithm used. A fast exponentiation algorithm is the “square and multiply” method, an explanation of which can be found here.

I chose to write a basic exponentiation routine in C, by creating a new operator definition, and following these basic rules:

  • tex:A^{-1} returns the matrix inverse.
  • tex:A^0 returns the identity matrix.
  • tex:A^1 returns the original matrix.
  • tex:A^n returns A to the nth power.
  • Complex as well as real-valued matrices should be supported.

The code for this is shown below. Note that to calculate the matrix inverse, I don’t call directly into the underlying BLAS libraries, but actually call back into R’s solve() function to calculate the inverse. The changes were made to array.c in the R source tree under /src/main.

SEXP do_matexp(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
int nrows, ncols;
SEXP matrix, tmp, dims, dims2;
SEXP x, y, x_, x__;
int i,j,e,mode;

// necessary?
mode = isComplex(CAR(args)) ? CPLXSXP : REALSXP;

SETCAR(args, coerceVector(CAR(args), mode));
x = CAR(args);
y = CADR(args);

dims = getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol);
nrows = INTEGER(dims)[0];
ncols = INTEGER(dims)[1];

if (nrows != ncols)
error(_("can only raise square matrix to power"));

if (!isNumeric(y))
error(_("exponent must be a scalar integer"));

e = asInteger(y);

if (e < -1)
error(_("exponent must be >= -1"));
else if (e == 1)
return x;
else if (e == -1) { /* return matrix inverse via solve() */
SEXP p1, p2, inv;
PROTECT(p1 = p2 = allocList(2));
CAR(p2) = install("solve.default");
p2 = CDR(p2);
CAR(p2) = x;
inv = eval(p1, rho);

return inv;

PROTECT(matrix = allocVector(mode, nrows * ncols));
PROTECT(tmp = allocVector(mode, nrows * ncols));
PROTECT(x_ = allocVector(mode, nrows * ncols));
PROTECT(x__ = allocVector(mode, nrows * ncols));

if (mode == REALSXP)
Memcpy(REAL(x_), REAL(x), (size_t)nrows*ncols);
Memcpy(COMPLEX(x_), COMPLEX(x), (size_t)nrows*ncols);

// Initialize matrix to identity matrix
// Set x[i * ncols + i] = 1
if (mode == REALSXP)
for (i = 0; i < ncols*nrows; i++)
REAL(matrix)[i] = ((i % (ncols+1) == 0) ? 1 : 0);
for (i = 0; i < ncols*nrows;i++) {
COMPLEX(matrix)[i].i = 0.0;
COMPLEX(matrix)[i].r = ((i % (ncols+1) == 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0);

if (e == 0) {
; // return identity matrix
while (e > 0) {
if (e & 1) {
if (mode == REALSXP)
matprod(REAL(matrix), nrows, ncols,
REAL(x_), nrows, ncols, REAL(tmp));
cmatprod(COMPLEX(matrix), nrows, ncols,
COMPLEX(x_), nrows, ncols, COMPLEX(tmp));

//copyMatrixData(tmp, matrix, nrows, ncols, mode);
if (mode == REALSXP)
Memcpy(REAL(matrix), REAL(tmp), (size_t)nrows*ncols);
Memcpy(COMPLEX(matrix), COMPLEX(tmp), (size_t)nrows*ncols);

if (mode == REALSXP)
matprod(REAL(x_), nrows, ncols,
REAL(x_), nrows, ncols, REAL(x__));
cmatprod(COMPLEX(x_), nrows, ncols,
COMPLEX(x_), nrows, ncols, COMPLEX(x__));

//copyMatrixData(x__, x_, nrows, ncols, mode);
if (mode == REALSXP)
Memcpy(REAL(x_), REAL(x__), (size_t)nrows*ncols);
Memcpy(COMPLEX(x_), COMPLEX(x__), (size_t)nrows*ncols);

e >>= 1;

PROTECT(dims2 = allocVector(INTSXP, 2));
INTEGER(dims2)[0] = nrows;
INTEGER(dims2)[1] = ncols;
setAttrib(matrix, R_DimSymbol, dims2);

return matrix;

To actually hook this routine up to the %^% operator, I needed a further piece of glue in /src/main/names.c to associate the operator:

{"%^%", do_matexp, 3, 1, 2, {PP_BINARY, PREC_POWER, 0}}

Then to try it out (after recompiling R of course!):

> A < - matrix(c(1:4), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE) > A %^% 2
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 7 10
[2,] 15 22